Before you contact us, see what questions firefighters ask us most often.
Everything you need to know about CO₂ DECONTAMINATION
and disinfection of personal protective equipment

Do you have any questions?
Which elements of fire gear and equipment can be cleaned and decontaminated with Decontex CO₂-technology?
Which elements of fire gear and equipment can be cleaned and decontaminated with Decontex CO₂-technology?
We are constantly expanding the range of equipment we can clean. The standard items are:
- Fire intervention suits
- Helmets
- Boots
- Gloves
- Breathing apparatus
- Fall protection equipment and belts
- Hoods
- Other fire equipment like ropes
How does Decontex CO₂ cleaning affect waterproofing?
How does Decontex CO₂ cleaning affect waterproofing?
We guarantee re-impregnation as part of the service. We make the garment completely water, oil and chemical resistant (in accordance with EN 469) without any negative impact on breathability (RET). The Decontex process doesn’t affect the existing impregnation of the gear.
Where can I order Decontex CO₂ maintenance service in my country?
Where can I order Decontex CO₂ maintenance service in my country?
Have a look at our website. There you will find a list of Decontex centres and our partners.
What effect does the Decontex CO₂ cleaning process have on the properties of leather products?
What effect does the Decontex CO₂ cleaning process have on the properties of leather products?
Decontex CO₂ technology is ideally suited for treating leather. It makes the leather supple and has no effect on the natural fats contained in the leather. The cleaning process is carried out at 15°C (at 48 atm), and does not affect the structure and functional properties of leather products.
Is fire equipment disinfected as part of the Decontex service?
Is fire equipment disinfected as part of the Decontex service?
Absolutely. The CO₂ condensation pressure guarantees the destruction of biological contamination. We provide high level disinfection (level 3) i.e. removal of all bacteries with a reduction factor of 10^6 and complete inactivation and removal of all virus (including Sars-coV-2) at 15°C.
Do you clean/decontaminate chemical suits?
Do you clean/decontaminate chemical suits?
Do you clean equipment for working at heights?
Do you clean equipment for working at heights?
Yes, fire services often ask Decontex to clean and decontaminate fall protection equipment. We maintain equipment from the following brands: Courant, DMM Professional, A. Haberkorn, International Safety Components (ISC) , PETZL, ROCK EXOTICA, SKEDCO, KASK, Tractel.
To which standards does the gear adhere after Decontex CO₂ treatment?
To which standards does the gear adhere after Decontex CO₂ treatment?
We ensure compliance with all standards listed below:
- EU regulation no. 1907/2006 REACH (on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals),
- The standard ISO 23616, which also indicates the permissible levels of
harmful chemical compounds on gear subjected to cleaning processes.
What effect does Decontex CO₂ decontamination have on the properties of protective
gear, such as thermo-flammability, thermal insulation?
What effect does Decontex CO₂ decontamination have on the properties of protective
gear, such as thermo-flammability, thermal insulation?
Decontex technology based on pressurized carbon dioxide easily penetrates through porous structures without damaging them. It does not adversely affect water-repellents and does not deform materials. Does not cause aging and it is not harmful to reflectors.
How often should protective gear be impregnated?
How often should protective gear be impregnated?
It depends on the manufacturer. We always work according to the guidelines of our partners/manufacturers. Correct reimpregnation must comply with EN 469 according to point 6.9 regarding surface wetting and point 6.11 regarding minimum liquid run-off.
What does the Decontex CO₂ cleaning process look like?
What does the Decontex CO₂ cleaning process look like?
The complete DECO₂FIRE programme consists of 10 steps. It is important to mention that while most of these steps can be carried out by different operators in the market – steps 4 to 7 are offered only and exclusively by DECONTEX® . A description of the process can be found in the Decon Solution section.
What detergents do you use when cleaning with the CO₂?
What detergents do you use when cleaning with the CO₂?
Our specialized and patented CHEMCOO chemistry.
How does the impregnation process work?
How does the impregnation process work?
We perform the reimpregnation in the CO₂ machine (so, 100% effective and green), the products used are part of our IMPRECOO CHEMISTRY based on Hyperbranched Polymers and Highly modified polysiloxane compounds, both solvent-based (more detailed info is only possible under NDA).
How long does the service take from collection of gear from the unit to its return?
How long does the service take from collection of gear from the unit to its return?
Depending of the area your are in between 72h and 10 days.
Do you clean electric shock protection gear?
Do you clean electric shock protection gear?
Yes, because the CO₂ gas is 100% inherent and doesn’t affect the anti-static and/or conductive properties of the gear.